inclusion by design


Welcome to our community!

OCC is a socially minded business in Bristol, committed to providing affordable and funded classes in architecture and art to students of all ages and abilities. 

We are very pleased to be able to offer one community place for each of our sessions. Accessibility to architecture and creativity is such an important part of our goal and we are delighted to be making headway with this mission. If you are interested in one of our places, please get in touch via email. Spots will be reserved on a first come first served basis. 

You can read more about us here.

Architecture Classes

We are the proud hosts of the UK's only weekly Architecture Club for students aged 7 - 18. We believe that architectural education can be harnessed to improve the inclusivity of our built environment and its social value, by developing a social awareness of space alongside a feeling of shared responsibility and a critical attitude towards the built environment.

There is an inherent value in architectural education for our young people as they are members of, and future adults in, society. Educators and practitioners from a range of disciplines have espoused the ‘manifest value’ in children’s built environment education; regardless of whether they are to go on to work in the built environment. By providing architecture education to children, our future adult citizens will have different expectations of quality regarding their built environments - they would be less likely to perceive architecture as primarily a matter of ‘decoration’, and more likely to take an active role in its development.

Art Classes

OCC also provides regular art workshops for children, teens and adults. We recognise the importance of the visual arts in their ability to share stories and narritives, as well as their power to ground the artist and create a freeing and mindful experience. 

Our sessions include: kids' groups which develop creativity, confidence and communication; a weekly teen group for young creatives who wish to find out more about the industry and develop their own style, and a second weekend workshop for Body Positive Life Drawing - edited, filtered and doctored body images are everywhere, and getting to see someone comfortable in their own skin is refreshing and inspiring. It is also great for the students to see a nude woman in a completely desexualised setting away from the male gaze.

Our adult sessions are completely beginner friendly and provide the group with all the materials needed. These sessions are all about mindfulness, enjoyment and relaxation.

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My son Thomas (14 years) has attended 2 of the architecture  classes so far and what can i say - he's loving it. Already signed him up for the half term course. He comes home really enthusiastic explaining what he's done and what they are hoping to achieve. Great way to explore his interests in architecture that can't be taught in school. Highly recommended it.

~ J. Vailes

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